Anders Wiman

Anders Wiman ( born February 11, 1865 in Hammerlöf; † August 13, 1959 in Lund ) was a Swedish mathematician.


After graduation in 1885 he attended the University of Lund in Lund, where he received his doctorate in 1892 at Carl Björling (classification af af regelytorna sjette degrees, " Classification of ruled surfaces 6th degree "). In 1901 he became an associate in 1906 and a full professor at the University of Uppsala. In 1930, he went into retirement. He published until well into old age (1954).

Wiman was from 1908 editor of Acta Mathematica. It dealt mainly with algebraic geometry and applications of group theory in geometry and function theory. For example, he proved that there are n> 7, no groups of collineations in less than n-2 dimensions, which are isomorphic to the symmetric or alternating group of n variables. He also determined all finite groups birational transformations of the plane. He wrote the article on finite groups of linear transformations in the Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences. In the theory of functions he examined all the functions. The after him and Georges Valiron named Wiman Valiron theory he led a 1914/16. A found by him set on the minimum amount of entire functions is also known as a set of Wiman. His studies on the zeros of derivatives of entire functions had - along with similar studies by George Pólya - great influence on the theory of entire functions, in particular the now proven Wiman 's conjecture and the Pólya - Wiman conjecture have stimulated many researches.

Among his students Fritz Carlsson and Arne Beurling.

Pictures of Anders Wiman
