André Hurst

André Hurst (* 1940 in Geneva ) is a Swiss philologist and papyrologist.

Hurst studied classical philology at the University of Geneva, where he received his doctorate in 1967. Then he held up as a member of the Institut Suisse in Rome and in the framework of the DAAD in Munich and deepened his studies there. After years as a visiting professor in Montreal, Lausanne, Cluj-Napoca and Paris, he followed in 1983 a call to the chair of Greek philology his alma mater Geneva. From 1986 to 1992 he was Dean of the Faculty of Arts, 2003-2007 Rector of the University, for which he gave his professorship. On the chair in 2004 Paul Schubert was appointed.

His research interests include the Greek epic and drama, but also the Mycenaean Greek ( Linear B ) and papyrology. Hurst is a member of the International Association of Papyrologists and in 1991 received an honorary doctorate from the Babeş -Bolyai University of Cluj.
