André Ramseyer

André Ramseyer ( born January 31, 1914 in Tramelan, Canton Bern, † January 15, 2007 in Neuchâtel ) was a Swiss sculptor.

Ramseyer was born the son of a pastor. After the conclusion of the seminar for teachers and visiting the School of Applied Arts in La Chaux -de-Fonds, where he met his wife, the painter Jacqueline Maeder, it attracted the young artist to Paris. After a trip to Italy to 1942 Ramseyer left again in his new home burg down, but he has remained more connected to Paris. The Centre Georges Pompidou has in its collection a Ramseyer sculpture.

In Switzerland, more than 50 of his works adorn many school yards and public places, such as at the ETH Zurich, Kreuzlingen, Thun, Montreux or Biel. But in Italy, the U.S., the Netherlands and Saudi Arabia are to see his works.
