Andreas Faber-Kaiser

Andreas Faber- Kaiser ( born 1944 in Barcelona, † March 14, 1994 ) was a Spanish writer and ufologist.


After graduating in German Studies and a licentiate in philosophy and the humanities, he was editor of the Spanish magazine Mundo Desconocido ( "Unknown World"), which appeared in 1976 in the Spanish trade.

Faber -Kaiser was a founding member of the AAS and also took part in meetings of this research society. From 1976 to 1982 he was responsible, such as for Más Allá and especially for Mundo Desconocido, which covered the entire spectrum of mysterious phenomena as the founder and editor of several Spanish magazines, a global positive reputation enjoyed, as one of the top three journals its kind referred to in 1980 and honored with the Secinter prize as the best periodical publication of Spain.

He wrote several works as an author; He became known internationally lived through the bestseller Jesus died in Kashmir, which appeared in 1976, the thesis represents that Jesus survived the cross agony, his wounds healed, and a second, final trip to Kashmir undertook a region that Jesus due to his first trip already knew in youth years. Evidence for this will be performed by Faber -Kaiser in Tibetan sources and Indian temple texts that identify Jesus as Yuz Asaf and describe in detail his travels.

Faber -Kaiser died in 1994 in Barcelona with AIDS.

