Andrew Fuller

Andrew Fuller ( born February 5, 1754 Wicken ( Cambridgeshire ), ( England); † May 7, 1815 in Kettering ( Northamptonshire ) ) was an English Baptist theologian.


Andrew Fuller was born as the son of an English farmer. At the age of 15, he had a conversion experience, was baptized and became a member of a Baptist church. Teaching myself Fuller studied theology and was ordained in 1775 as pastor of a Baptist church in SOLAM. In 1782, he accepted a pastorate in Kettering ( Northamptshire ). First, Fuller was influenced by the Calvinist doctrine of predestination, but which was increasingly influenced by the molded by John Wesley Methodism. He developed a theology that associated Calvinism with the concern for mission because of his own history. On the initiative of William Carey back, he had baptized in 1787, the Baptist Missionary Society ( BMS) was founded in 1793, which was instrumental in the global spread of Protestantism. While Carey 1793 went as a missionary to India, Fuller served as the first Managing the BMS until he fell ill in 1815 and died of tuberculosis.
