Andrzej Majewski

Andrzej Majewski (born 1966 in Wrocław ) is a Polish writer of aphorisms, writer, journalist, columnist and photographer, studied at the Academy of Economics.



Writer of aphorisms anthologies: Aforyzmy i sentencje, które potrząsną światem, albo i never (1999), Aforyzmy czyli za przeproszeniem Magnum in Parvo ( 2000). Winner of the aphoristic Hugo Steinhaus competition for Aphorist (1995). Excellent in. S. J. Lec Competition ( 2000). His aphorisms have appeared in many anthologies of Polish and international aphorisms, which are published abroad. The aphorisms were translated into many languages, including into English, German, Romanian, Czech, Korean, and Hebrew. The aphorism is an important element of the cultural presentation of Poland into Germany under the German - Polish Year 2005 /2006.

Literature for Children

Author of the fairy tale poem: Adam niestrudzony wedrowiec (2002) and one written in poem form Counselor for Children: 102 rady dla dzieci mądrych, grzecznych i krnąbrnych ( 2003). The children poems and children's stories appear in textbooks and in the children's press.


Author impressiver Photography cycles: Taniec Słońca w deszczu (2000), The Transience of Eternity - Efemeryczność Wieczności (2004 ) Exhibitions: Wroclaw - Municipal Museum Town Hall (2004); Warsaw - Municipal Museum of Warsaw ( 2005). President of the Sapere Aude Foundation. Chairman of the Ecological Society Our Wroclaw, socially engaged, organizer of children's events, a member of the Mensa Society and WKS Slask Wroclaw Sports Club, a founding member of the Automobile Club Wroclaw. Vice- champion of the Polish Rally Championship the Automobile Club (1998).


  • Author
  • Pole
  • Born in 1966
  • Man