Anemone apennina

Apennine Anemone (Anemone apennina )

The Apennine Anemone (Anemone apennina ) is a plant of the genus Anemone (Anemone ) in the family of the buttercup family ( Ranunculaceae ).


The Apennine Anemone, like all members of the genus, a perennial Geophyt. The species reaches stature heights of five to 30 centimeters.

The stems are leafy. You own at the top node rather far below the bloom three to four times intergrown quirlständige leaves. The remaining leaves are basal, underside hairy and resemble the stem leaves.

From March to May appear the radial symmetry flowers. With the variety apennina they are pale blue, with the variety albiflora Strobl white. The eight to 14 bracts are hairy outside, the stamens are pale yellow or white. Pollination is by insects or self-pollination.

As a fruit -seeded nutlets are formed.


The natural area of ​​the Apennine Windröschens located in Italy, Sicily, Corsica, Albania, the countries of the former Yugoslavia. In many Central European countries, including Germany, the species is wild from gardens.


  • Siegmund Seybold (ed.): Schmeil Fitschen - interactive ( CD -Rom ), Quelle & Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2001/2002, ISBN 3-494-01327-6