
Anglo - Indians (English Anglo - Indians ) are people who are British- Indian origin, and their descendants. Article 366 of the Constitution of India defines the term as follows: " an Anglo - Indian " Means a person Whose father or any other male progenitors of Whose in the male line is or what of European descent but who is domiciled within the territory of India and is or was born within territory of parents habitually resident seeking Therein and not established there for temporary purposes only.

Article 366 ( 2) of the Indian Constitution protects the descendants of the ( male ) Europeans in India specifically, and also adopt the former Portuguese colonies of Coromandel and Malabar with one who participated in the East India Company.

From the 18th to mid-19th century married British soldiers and employees of the East India Company often Indian women. Their children and so established communities were then called Eurasians .. The East India Company offered this financial incentives.

Only with the stronger Nachwandern of British and European women and after Sepoyaufstand the Anglo Indians by the British and the Indians were more separated and shunned. The already established, Christian-oriented Anglo- Indian community remained under increasing and was linked all over India. She received as well as important positions in the field of telegraphy and the railway administration.

Many left India after 1947. As before, Anglo - Indians are represented as the only ethnic minority in the Lok Sabha, the Indian lower house. Nehru had assured the Frank Anthony. In states like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Bihar, West Bengal, Karnataka and Kerala, the Anglo Indians are well represented in regional parliaments.
