Aníbal Zañartu

Aníbal Zañartu Zañartu (* 1847, † 1902) was a Chilean politician. In 1901 he officiated after the death of the elected president Federico Errazuriz Echaurren for about eight weeks as acting president of his country.

The source location over Aníbal Zañartu is poor. It is known that he the cabinet of conservative President Errazuriz belonged as a representative of the Liberal Party, namely in 1901 as Interior Minister and Vice President. He was also selected for the legislature from 1900 to 1906 in the Chilean Senate.

As Federico Errazuriz Echaurren died on July 12, 1901 of a heart attack, Aníbal Zañartu over took office, he at Errazuriz ' chosen successor, Germán Riesco Errazuriz handed over on 18 September 1901.

Manuel Blanco | Ramón Freire | Francisco Antonio Pinto | José Joaquín Prieto Vial | Manuel Bulnes | Manuel Montt | José Joaquín Pérez | Federico Errazuriz | Aníbal Pinto | Domingo Santa María | Manuel Balmaceda | Jorge Montt | Federico Errazuriz | Germán Riesco | Pedro Montt | Ramón Barros | Juan Luis Sanfuentes | Arturo Alessandri | Emiliano Figueroa | Carlos Ibáñez | Juan Esteban Montero | Carlos Dávila | Arturo Alessandri | Pedro Aguirre Cerda | Juan Antonio Ríos | Gabriel González | Carlos Ibáñez | Jorge Alessandri | Eduardo Frei Montalva | Salvador Allende | Augusto Pinochet | Patricio Aylwin | Eduardo Frei Ruiz - Tagle | Ricardo Lagos | Michelle Bachelet | Sebastian Pinera | Michelle Bachelet

  • Chilean
  • President ( Chile)
  • Minister of the Interior (Chile)
  • Member of Parliament (Chile)
  • Born in 1847
  • Died in 1902
  • Man