Anii language

Spoken in

  • Niger - Congo Atlantic - Congo Volta - Congo Kwa Nyo languages Potou - Tano languages Basila -Adele Anii (language)




Anii (also: Gisida, Basila, Bassila, Baseca, Winji - Winji, Ouinji - Ouinji ) is the language of the people of the same name Anii.

They live mainly in Togo and Benin. Anii belongs to the Kwa languages.

The total number of speakers is estimated at about 45,900 (SIL 2002) people. Living in Togo about 12,300 (SIL 2002) Anii spokesman, in Benin is about 33,600 ( census 1992) spokesman.

The Anii - speakers live on both sides of the border between Togo and Benin. In Benin the Anii - speakers live in the southern part of the Province Aracora in the sub-prefecture Bassila. In Togo, they live in the Region Centrale in the prefecture Tchamba. In the language Anii some radio programs are broadcast. In Togo, the language is taught in some local schools.
