Anna Dandolo

Anna Dandolo ( serb: Ана Дандоло, † 1246 ) was through her ​​marriage to Stefan Nemanjić a queen of the Serbs in the 13th century.

Anna was a native Venetian, from the family Dandolo. Her father was the 1208 Genoa fallen Ranieri Dandolo and her grandfather was the famous Doge Enrico Dandolo. Around the year 1216/1217 she married the Großžupan the Serbs of Raszien, Stefan Nemanjić as his third wife. This marriage marked for the Serbian rulers a turn to the Roman- Latin world, which was underpinned by the same was crowned King and Queen of the pair by a papal legate. Later, Stefan Nemanjić but had himself crowned by the Greek Orthodox rite a second time.

The marriage showed at least one son, Stefan Uroš I. reigned as king from 1243 to 1276. Maybe, but even the older king's sons were Predislav ( Archbishop Sava II ) and King Stephen Vladislav († 1267 ) also children of Anna.

Queen Anne died in 1246 at the monastery Sopoćani, where she was also buried next to her husband. A there preserved fresco shows lying on his deathbed, surrounded by Serbian clergy.
