Anna Lindhagen

Anna Johanna Jacobina Lindhagen ( born April 7, 1870 in Stockholm, † May 15, 1941 ibid ) was a Swedish Social Democratic politician and women's rights activist. Her father was the politician and urban planner Albert Lindhagen, her brother the Stockholm politician and Mayor Carl Lindhagen.

Anna Lindh Agen was a trained nurse and engaged with great empathy for poor children. She was active in the Swedish women's movement and was an editor of the journal Morgonbris, the member journal of the Social Democratic Women's Federation. During the years 1911-1923 she was a member of the Stockholm City Government ( stadsfullmäktige ) and from 1921 she was a member of the Stockholm Schönheitsrat (Stockholms skönhetsråd ). Anna Lindh Agen fought for women's suffrage and she was one of the first, the proposed government support for widows and fatherless.

In addition to its social commitment, they fought for the movement of the small garden idea and for the preservation of the original buildings in the Södermalm district of Stockholm. In one of the houses from the 19th century, Fjällgatan 34, it is a museum dedicated. Two rooms of this house inhabited Anna Lindh Agen during their last years of life, and the rooms are furnished in part with her ​​furniture.

Bibliography (selection)

  • Barns och mödrars rätt. ( The right of children and mothers ). - Stockholm, 1913.
  • Idyller och Utsikter. (Pictures of Stockholm's nature and development). - Stockholm, 1923.
  • Koloniträdgårdar och planterade Gardar. ( Allotments and landscaped gardens ) - Stockholm, 1916.
  • Vad vi tänkte. ( As we thought, memories ). - Stockholm, 1941.