Annals of Quedlinburg

The Quedlinburg Annals provide an independent view of the years 984-1025. You have emerged in this period, but survives only in a single manuscript from the 16th century.

They contain a Chronicle of the World, based on the Annales Annales Hersfeldenses and Hildesheimenses maiores. In the section of the chronicle, there are many fabulous elements and partly gross inaccuracies, eg that is specified for Attila († 453) 532 as year of death. For this year, the throne Theuderichs I called, but was already 511. The entries are written in the annals from 702 form, from 913 to find their own formulations. For the period 961-983 there is a gap, from 984 the presentation of other known sources is independent.

For Lithuania, the annals are significant in that the first time they mention the country as " Litua " ( 1009).

Recently, a female author suspected of Martina Giese - probably from the vicinity of the Quedlinburg pin.


  • Martina Giese (ed.): Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 72: The Annales Quedlinburgenses. Hannover 2004 ( Monumenta Historica Germaniae, digitized )
  • Georg Heinrich Pertz et al (eds): Scriptores ( in folio ) 3: Annales, chronica et historiae aevi Saxonici. Hannover 1839, pp. 22-90 ( Monumenta Historica Germaniae, digitized )

Reviews the latest issue

  • Ludger Körntgen: Review by: Martina Giese (ed.): The Annales Quedlinburgenses, Hanover: Hahnsche bookstore in 2004, in: sehepunkte 7 (2007), No. 3 (March 15, 2007)
  • Http://
  • Http://;cc=tmr;q1=2006;rgn=main;view=text;idno=baj9928.0601.013