Anne Easter Smith

Anne Easter Smith ( born 1952 in the UK) is a British author of historical novels has chosen to live in the USA.


During her childhood she lived including England, Germany and Egypt, where her father was a British colonel. As a 24 -year-old, she went to New York, wanted to stay two years and remained permanently. For 35 years she has lived in the United States. Your interest in English history was already awakened in early childhood. Later she began to write and brought her first book The Rose of England out.

Your novels are set at the time of the Wars of the Roses, a time in which the noble houses of York and Lancaster had disputes with regard to the claim to the throne. In The Rose of England, she is Richard III. unlike Shakespeare's famous play, Richard III. sympathetic dar.

Anne Easter Smith is married and lives in Newburyport in Massachusetts, USA.


  • 2006 A Rose for the Crown The Rose of England, dt by Elfriede Peschel, Munich: Del Rey 2008; ISBN 978-3-442-36685-9
  • White Rose of York, German Elke Bartels, Munich: Del Rey 2010; ISBN 978-3-44237267-6