Anno Domini

Anno Domini (abbreviated AD, Latin for in the year of our Lord or completely Anno Domini Nostri Jesus Christ, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ ') indicates the annual census of the Christian era, counted from the year of birth of Jesus Christ.

Ante partum Christ (abbreviated AC ) refers to reverse the count before the birth of Christ.

The Christian era knows no year zero. The first " year of the Lord " begins with the birth of Jesus.

The abbreviation AD also brings the yearly counting " after Christ " expresses. If the Christian context, it should be bypassed nu finds Z. ( " after our era " ) application.

In English, it uses the Latin AD for periods from the birth of Christ. For years before the birth of Christ is used, however, BC (English Before Christ ).

From Anno Domini Anno Tobak, the term is commonly derived ( pejorative meaning " very old"). Stuff here is an old word for tobacco. Thus, the phrase alludes to old, unserviceable tobacco, or on cooled, unpleasant tobacco smoke.

Pictures of Anno Domini
