
Cinnamon apple ( Annona squamosa )

The custard apples, cherimoya, custard apple or dandruff apple family ( Annonaceae ) are a family of plants in the order of the magnolia -like ( Magnoliales ). Especially in the genus Annona, there are some species that provide fruit.

  • 4.1 Notes and references


Habitus and sheets

All Annonengewächse are woody plants: trees, shrubs or lianas. They can be evergreen or deciduous. The bark, leaves and flowers smell fragrant. The change-constant leaves are petiolate, simple and entire. Stipules are absent.


The flowers are borne singly or in small bundles. The flowers are usually bisexual, rarely unisexual. The flowers are usually young greenish, at anthesis ( stamen maturity) they will be yellowish or pink. Although the Annonaceae are among the Magnoliidae, the flower often trimer (three parts) is constructed. Quite often there are cup-shaped and hanging flowers. In each flower there are 10 to 20 to very many stamens, which are arranged spirally. The gynoecium is apocarp - the one to many upper permanent carpels are free. Pollination is mostly by beetles ( Cantharophilie ).

Fruit and seeds

The Annonengewächse form collecting fruits, which usually contain one to eight, rarely up to twelve berries. Each berry contains one to many seeds. The seeds have an aril and contain oily endosperm.


A very palatable representative of cinnamon apple ( Annona squamosa ). In particular, the genus Annona includes some commercially important fruit species such as the cherimoya ( Annona cherimola ) and Soursop ( graviola, soursop, Annona muricata ). Risks regarding the consumption (including other greenhouse components ): see Annona. In experimental planting in the U.S. and in Europe is the trilobal pawpaw ( Asimina triloba ).


To the family of Annonaceae are about 122bis 129 genera with about 2220 species. The genera of the two earlier than independently prestigious families Hornschuchiaceae J.Agardh and Monodoraceae J.Agardh are now assigned to the Annonaceae.

The Annonaceae be divided into four sub- families. The two major subfamilies Annonoideae and Malmeoideae are each divided into several tribes.

  • Subfamily Anaxagoreoideae: With areas in the Neotropics, and Sri Lanka to the west side of the Malay Archipelago: Anaxagorea A.St. - Hil. With about 30 species.
  • Subfamily Ambavioideae: With about nine genera and about 50 species with areas throughout the tropical belt: Ambavia Le Thomas, with two species in Madagascar
  • Cananga ( DC.) Hook.f. & Thomson, with two species from tropical Asia to Australia, including: Ylang-Ylang Cananga odorata ( Lam.) Hook. f & Thoms.
  • Lettowianthus stellatus Diels
  • Subfamily Annonoideae: With 51 genera and about 1515 species: Tribus Bocageeae: With seven genera and about 60 species in tropical America as well as a monotypic genus in East Africa: Bocagea A.St. - Hil. , With two species in tropical America
  • Cardiopetalum Schltdl. , With three species from tropical South America
  • Cymbopetalum Benth., With about 27 species from Mexico to South America to tropical
  • Froesiodendron REFr. , With three species from tropical South America
  • Hornschuchia Nees, with about ten species in Brazil
  • . Mkilua Verdc, with only one type in the tropical East Africa: Mkilua fragrans Verdc.
  • Tribus Xylopieae: With two genera and about 260 species pantropical: Artabotrys R.Br. ( Syn: Ropalopetalum handle. ), With about 100 species in the tropical Africa and Asia
  • Xylopia L.: With approximately 160 species in the tropics of Africa, America and Southeast Asia
  • Tribus Duguetieae: With five genera and about 100 species of tropical America and Africa: . Duckeanthus REFr, with only one type in tropical South America: Duckeanthus R. E. grandiflorus Fr
  • Tribus Guatterieae :: Guatteria Ruiz & Pav (including Guatteriella REFr. , Guatteriopsis REFr. , Heteropetalum Benth. ), With more than 250 species in tropical America
  • Tribus Annoneae: With eight genera and about 330 species: Annona L. (including Guanabanus Mill, Raimondia Saff. , Rollinia A. St. Hil. , Rolliniopsis Saff. ), With approximately 162-175 species
  • Anonidium Engl & Diels, with about four species in tropical Africa
  • Pawpaw ( Asimina Adans. , Including Deeringothamnus Small, Orchidocarpum Michx. , Pityothamnus Small), with about eight species in North America
  • Boutiquea Le Thomas, with only one kind in West Africa: Boutiquea platypetala (Engl. & Diels ) Le Thomas
  • Tribus Monodoreae: With eleven genera and about 90 species in tropical Africa: Asteranthe Engl & Diels, with three species in tropical East Africa
  • Hexalobus A.DC., with about five species in Africa and Madagascar
  • Isolona Engl, with about 20 species in Africa and Madagascar
  • Mischogyne Exell, with two species in tropical Africa
  • Monocyclanthus Keay, with only one type in tropical West Africa: Monocyclanthus vignei Keay
  • Ophrypetalum odoratum Diels
  • Sanrafaelia ruffonammari Verdc.
  • Tribus Uvarieae: With 17 genera and about 425 species in the tropics of the Old World: Afroguatteria Boutique, with two species in tropical Africa
  • . Cleistochlamys Olive, with only one type in the tropical East Africa: Cleistochlamys kirkii ( Benth. ) Oliv.
  • Dielsiothamnus divaricatus ( Diels ) R.E.Fr.
  • Exellia scamnopetala ( Exell ) Boutique
  • Gilbertiella congolana Boutique
  • Schefferomitra subaequalis ( Scheff. ) Diels
  • Subfamily Malmeoideae: With 46 genera and about 750 species: Tribus Piptostigmateae: With five genera and about 33 species in tropical Africa: Annickia Seta & Maas, with about eight species in tropical Africa
  • Greenwayodendron Verdc. , With two species in tropical Africa
  • Mwasumbia Couvreur & D. M. Johnson, with only one kind in Tanzania: Mwasumbia alba Coucreur & D. M. Johnson
  • Tribus Malmeeae: With 13 genera and approximately 180 species in tropical America: Bocageopsis REFr. , With four species in tropical America
  • Cremastosperma REFr. , With about 29 species in tropical South America
  • Ephedranthus S.Moore, with about six species in tropical South America
  • Klarobelia Chatrou, with about twelve species in Central and South America
  • Malmea REFr. , With about six species in tropical America
  • Mosannona Chatrou, with about 14 species in tropical America
  • Onychopetalum REFr. , With two species in Brazil
  • Oxandra A.Rich. , With about 28 species in tropical America
  • . Pseudephedranthus Aristeg, with only one kind in Brazil and Venezuela: Pseudephedranthus fragrans ( R.E.Fr. ) Aristeg.
  • Ruizodendron ovale ( Ruiz & Pav ) R.E.Fr.
  • Tribus Maasieae: Maasia Mols et al., With up to six species in Malaysia's to New Guinea
  • Tribus Fenerivieae: Fenerivia Diels, with about 10 species in Madagascar
  • Tribus Dendrokingstonieae: Dendrokingstonia Rauschert, with three species in the western Malaysia's
  • Tribus Monocarpieae: Monocarpia Miq. , With four species in Thailand and Malaysia's
  • Tribus Miliuseae: With 24 genera and about 520 species pantropical: Alphonsea Hook.f. & Thomson, with about 25 species in China and Indomalesien
  • Desmopsis Saff. , With about 14 species from Mexico to Cuba
  • Hubera Chaowasku, with about 27 species in East Africa, Madagascar, tropical Asia and the Western Pacific
  • Marsypopetalum Scheff. , With about six species in Malaysia's
  • Meiogyne Miq. , With about 15 species in New Guinea and New Caledonia to Indomalesien
  • Miliusa Lesch. ex A.DC., with about 50 species between Indomalesien and Australia
  • Mitrephora ( flower) Hook.f. & Thomson, with about 47 species in Southeast Asia and Malaysia's
  • Monoon Miq. (incl. Cleistopetalum H. Okada, Enicosanthum Becc. , Woodiellantha Rauschert ), with about 60 species from tropical Asia to Australia
  • Neo - uvaria Airy Shaw, with about five species in western Malaysia's
  • Oncodostigma Diels, with one or two species in Malaysia's
  • Orophea flower, with about 50 species in Indomalesien
  • Phaeanthus Hook.f. & Thomson, with about nine species in Indomalesien
  • Phoenicanthus Alston, with two species in Sri Lanka
  • Platymitra Boerl. , With about two types of Southeast Asia to Java and the Philippines
  • Polyalthia flower ( including Haplostichanthus F.Muell. , Papualthia Diels ), with about 80 species in the tropics of Africa and Asia
  • Popowia Endl. , With about 26 species from tropical Asia to Australia
  • Pseuduvaria Miq. (including Craibella RMK Saunders et al., Oreomitra Diels ), with about 57 species in Southeast Asia, Malaysia's and New Guinea
  • Sageraea Dalzell, with about nine species in Indomalesien
  • Sapranthus Seem. , With about six species in Central America
  • Stelechocarpus Hook.f. & Thomson, with about three species in Southeast Asia and Malaysia's
  • Stenanona Standlschmaus. , With about 14 species in Mexico and Central America
  • Tridimeris Baill. , With two species in Mexico
  • Trivalvaria ( Miq. ) Miq. , With about four types of Assam to the western Malaysia's


  • The Annonaceae in APWebsite family. (Section Description and systematics)
  • Robert Kral: Annonaceae in the Flora of North America, Volume 3, 1997: Online. ( Description section )
  • The Annonaceae at DELTA by L. Watson & MJ Dallwitz family. ( Description section )
  • Siddharthan Surveswaran, Rui Jiang Wang, Yvonne CF Su, & Richard MK Saunders: Generic delimitation and historical biogeography in the early- divergent ' ambavioid ' lineage of Annonaceae: Cananga, Cyathocalyx and Drepananthus, In: Taxon, 59, 2010, p 1721 -1734.
  • David John Mabberley: The Plant-Book. A portable dictionary of the higher plants. Cambridge University Press 1987. ISBN 0-521-34060-8