Ansa cervicalis

The ansa cervicalis profunda (deep cervical nerve loop ) is a loop of the ventral nerve ( ventral ) branches of the cervical segments C1 to C3.

The nerve loop is supported by an upper root (Radix superior) from the nerve fibers of the segments C1 and C2 and a lower root ( radix inferior) from C2 and C3 formed.

The ansa cervicalis profunda is below the sternocleidomastoid muscle and crosses in its course the internal jugular vein and the anterior scalene muscle. In the carotid triangle it attaches itself to the hypoglossal nerve, but not exchange fibers to each other (hence called the ansa cervicalis profunda also ansa hypoglossi ).

The ansa cervicalis profunda powered motor following sub- hyoid muscles ( infrahyoid muscles):

  • Musculus sternohyoideus
  • Musculus sternothyroideus
  • Musculus omohyoideus

The thyrohyoid muscle, which is also a representative of the infrahyoid muscles, innervated by the ramus thyrohyoid from the radix superior ansae cervicalis profundae.

The superficial location Ansa cervicalis superficialis other hand is on the sternocleidomastoid muscle and below the platysma. It is formed by the anastomosis between the ramus colli of the facial nerve and the transverse cervical nerve ( ventral ramus of the spinal nerve from C3).


  • Peripheral Nervous System