
The Antai -ji (Japanese安泰 寺) is a Buddhist temple in Japan.

It is located northwest of Kyoto and north of Kobe in Hyōgo Prefecture in the field of community Shin'onsen on an inaccessible high plateau surrounded by dense pine forests. During the winter months of Antai -ji is due to heavy snowfall usually not accessible. The temple is self-sufficient and is self-powered through rice and vegetable cultivation.

The temple was founded in 1924 in the north of Kyoto and moved in 1977 to its present location.

In Antai -ji Soto Zen is practiced. Accommodation and meals are basically free, but it is asking for a reasonable donation. Who is staying in the monastery, must be integrated into the very hard and tiring daily routine and, for example, help to cultivate the fields, chop wood and brush. The day begins in the morning at 4 clock in the evening and ends by 21 clock. Each month intensive multi-day sesshin with about 15 hours of meditation a day instead.

The current abbot muho Nölke was born as Olaf Nölke in Berlin. He is the ninth superior of the monastery. He was appointed after the death of his predecessor Shinyu Miyaura 2002 In his office.
