
Antalcidas ( † after 366 BC) was a Spartan fleet commander and statesman at the time of King Agesilaus II

After the Persians had won a decisive victory BC under the Athenian Conon in the battle of Knidos 394, Sparta tried to reach a settlement with the Achaemenid Empire. Antalcidas negotiated 392 BC vain with representatives of the Great King Artaxerxes II, but at least Antalcidas received cash payments which invested Sparta in the naval construction. 388 BC Antalcidas initiated renewed contact with Persian representatives in Asia Minor. This time he was more successful, especially since Artaxerxes was interested in a settlement with the Greeks due to internal unrest. The negotiations finally led to the so-called King's Peace, the BC finished 387/386 the Corinthian War. The King's Peace is considered the earliest example of a Koine Eirene, a general peace, and is named after its promoter as Antalkidasfrieden.

Antalcidas was at this time one of the most Spartan diplomat, although he was at odds with King Agesilaus. He made 367/66 BC (and possibly only 361 BC) another Persie travel, but apparently did not succeed. After the Spartan defeat at the Battle of Leuctra 371 BC he seems to have been no longer received. Supposedly this Antalcidas have driven to suicide.

Pictures of Antalcidas
