
The Anthropophobie (Greek: ἄνθρωπος ( anthropos ) = man; φόβος ( phobos ) = fear, shyness ) is the exaggerated fear of a man in front of others, and is in common parlance often referred to with the less serious concept of shyness.

The Anthropophobie is a social phobia, that is an anxiety disorder that manifests itself in the community with other people. This can lead in extreme cases to foreclosure of any interaction with other people. Social isolation, with all its problems is the result, but must also be seen as a coping strategy, which serves the reduction of anxiety, so that this isolation is also desired by the parties concerned.

In contrast, the misanthrope is characterized by its misanthropy. Behind this assignment may also fears (and its rejection ) are, but do not.

The human flight of many artists of the Romantic is thus not to be confused. Their aim was to say goodbye to the industrializing and urbanizing society and turn to nature and its phenomena and presented in a certain sense a counter- flow to educate dar.
