
As anti- capitalism refers to attitudes that take a fundamentally opposite position against capitalist ideas or social systems. Parts of the anti-capitalism include criticism of capitalism.

Wolfgang Hock certain anti-capitalism as "the economic side of a generally directed against the democratic liberalism comprising educated ideology." Karl Marx defined socialism as anti-capitalism in the economic sphere. At the same time socialism means more than anti-capitalism and not everything that is anti-capitalist, proletarian. In addition to the socialist anti-capitalism there is also a cultural-critical anti-capitalism, which understands the liberal economic order as a cultural and natural destructive, respectively an anti-capitalism from the right. The right polemic against big capital, leads, however, because it is associated with a principled defense of private property, not to socialist consequences.

Hermann L. Gremliza sums it up: "Anti pure capitalism can lead to the strangest formations on the national side to völkischem anti-capitalism, National Bolshevism and the like, on the left to Proletcult. "
