
Mr. Eugen Dühring's Revolution in Science or in short: " Anti- Dühring ", is a first in 1877 continued as published by Friedrich Engels in the forward polemic against Dühring Eugen collaboration of Karl Marx. It is counted among the most influential texts of Marxism.


Written September 1876 to June 1878, published in the " forward " from January 3, 1877 to 7 July 1878. The first edition appeared in 1877 and 1878 in Leipzig, the second edition in 1886 in Zurich, and the third, revised and enlarged edition in 1894 in Stuttgart.

Originally written at the request of Wilhelm Liebknecht, in order to reduce the influence of Eugen Dühring, the written in a polemical style Anti- Dühring developed alongside the abstract, " The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science " to the most widely read work of Marx and Engels. The importance of the " Anti- Dühring " lies not in its confrontation with Dühring, but in the presentation of the " communist ideology " ( Preface to the 2nd edition). Not only the basic principles of Marxism are shown, it shall be included subject areas that were previously unaffected.


The " Anti- Dühring " plays an important role in the development of Marxism. Lenin called the Anti- Dühring, together with the Communist Manifesto and the Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy as manuals every class-conscious worker. For the Marxist-Leninist philosophical materialism was laid down in contentious Anti-Dühring. Marx wrote itself a chapter of this document. Nevertheless, it is controversial within the Western Marxism, whether the font is an authentic representation of Marx's thinking. On the one hand, a different weighting in the work of Marx and Engels is discussed, on the other hand refers to the intention of the Scripture and the resulting character.

The effect on the popular Herr Dühring was devastating. In the preface to Anti- Dühring Engels in 1894 wrote: "The criticism here " system " Herr Dühring spreading over a very extensive theoretical area; I was obliged to follow him everywhere and his views oppose mine. The negative review was so positive; the controversy gave way to a more or less coherent account of by Marx and myself represented the dialectical method and communist ideology, and this on a fairly comprehensive set of areas. "

Famous Quotes

" These are the things and their mental reflexes, ideas, isolated, one to be considered after the other without the other, fixed, rigid, once and for all gegebne objects of investigation for the metaphysician. He thinks in a loud sudden contrasts: his speech is yes, yes, no, no, what is more than these cometh of evil. For him a thing either exists or it does not exist: a thing, nor can it yourself and at the same time be an else. Positive and negative absolutely exclude one another; Cause and effect stand in a rigid contrast well with each other. This way of thinking seems at first sight so very plausible, because it is that of the so-called common sense. "

" And since it was found that all previous history the history of class struggles was that these warring classes of society every time products are the production and traffic conditions "

"Not in the dreamed- of independence from natural laws freedom, but in the knowledge of these laws, and in so gegebnen opportunity to let them act according to plan for specific purposes. "

"The idea, as if the main political and state actions, the Ultimate in history is as old as the writing of history itself, and is the main cause of the fact that we have been kept so little about in the background of these noisy performances nursing executive and really propelling the development of peoples. "
