
An anti- proverb is the transformation of a stereotype word sequence such as a proverb, a " winged word " or phrase with the sole purpose of humorous effect.

Stereotypes word sequences are substantially fixed word sequences that are known to a large group of people, such as the saying too many cooks spoil the broth. If this sequence together with its meaning changed ( for example, to many cooks spoil the cook ), then there is such a transformation.

The classification of transformations using formal criteria

The transformation is formally divided into a number of aspects that can be used for identification. These include the Association: The similarity with the original sequence ranges from for identification. Moreover, there is no formal connection. Example: The highest happiness of the horse is the rider on the planet.

In a homonym change, however, undergoes a word with multiple meanings, a new interpretation. Example: All men are equal - to me anyway. Here goes the word " equal " the meaning of equivalent to indifferent. Several sequences can be combined, so for example: Some out of the ordinary, although he was not previously in the picture.

Such anti - saying can also by the situation and not arise language; this is called a " okkasionellen allusion ". Example: This does not help, Pilate! ( on ​​a hand dryer ). In the permutation of the meaning of words is changed by conversion, but the syntactic structure remains the same. Example: Better rich and healthy than poor and sick.

Other forms are the reduction, substitution and supplementation, in which a sequence is in each case reduced or extended sense changing or replaced by another in the substitution part. Examples are All's well that ends. The last word ("well " ) is omitted. (Reduction); A kick is worth a thousand words (instead of "a picture ..."), in this case a part is replaced by another. A man's home is his castle - let him clean it, wherein a content of contrasting additive was added, which is typical for Supplementation.

Finally, an anti- proverb can also be generated by a syntactic change in the semantic structure of the sentence replaced with a constant order of the words: Man proposes, God disposes.

The classification of transformations based on subject matter

Content, too, can the transformation according to various criteria divide. In a downturn, the statement is indeed retained at first, but then qualified by the addition. Example: Modesty is a virtue, but further you go without her.

By apologia the original sequence is defended against attacks, such as art comes from, can not want, otherwise it would mean bead. In a Athese the statement of the original sequence is destroyed without creates a meaningful new, as is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, if you greased it before. In contrast, the sense remains at a similar conservation: By mistake you will be wise - that is one not enough.

A contrast is the original statement to yet another area of ​​life in Relationship: After Adam and Eve giant dwarf. If a metaphor, like men of steel are one day to the scrap heap is interpreted literally, it is called a metaphor break. Another criterion is the so-called " neogenesis ", in which the statement of the transformed set of the original is independent. Example: A kick is worth a thousand words.

Further criteria are the rejection, in which the original statement is blocked (eg We all pull in the same direction only. At different ends ), and the synthesis, in which an actual statement arises exclusively from the transformed sequence and the original sequences only phrases are ( Everyone wants to get back to nature, but none on foot).

Some of these formal and thematic Disposition classes are further subdivided.

Types of comic effects

There are four forms of humorous effects that are triggered it. The term " bisociation " was coined by Arthur Koestler. A funny text simultaneously belongs to two semantic levels, of which the listener or reader at the beginning only one is aware of. The Pointe is then switched abruptly to the other level, which triggers the laughter. Well you recognize this mechanism in the following example: " I only want your best " - " but you do not get".

The pulling down of the sublime into banality has something liberating and is generally perceived as the opposite of funny. So are many of the humorous transformations of this type Example: Jesus loves you - but he respects you too the next morning? This process is referred to as " destruction ".

Another humorous effect may be the contrast between form and content. An example is the aforementioned riders on the earth - a banal awkwardness in its literary form. Such a sentence is also funny if you do not know the original sequence.

Another type of humorous effects is the disaster fiction, which partly has cynical moves. In contrast to real disasters can act comedic merely presented well. Thus, in the transformed sequence: The light at the end of the tunnel is probably muzzle flash.
