Antipope Laurentius

Lawrence († 506/507 ) was an anti-pope 498-499.

After the death of Pope Anastasius II was elected after five days Sedisvakanz on 22 November 498 two successors. One was Symmachus, former deacon, the other of the former Archi presbyter Laurentius. Although he was elected by a minority of the clergy, but the nobility and the Senate of Rome was on the side Laurentius '.

Lawrence wanted the ongoing schism since 484 Akakianische enclose and therefore sought a settlement with Konstantin Opel. Symmachus, on the other hand, Byzantium was adamant against. Because they were able to find no uniform policy, urging both parties King Theodoric as its arbitrator to Rome.

The Ostrogoth had Symmachus recognize 499 as Bishop of Rome and made ​​sure that Lawrence received the bishopric Nuceria Terna in Campania. The bishop was now clear two or three years later involved in a court scandal, which hurt his reputation, Theodoric initially drop from him and Laurentius was hurrying back to Rome. From about 502-506, both parties have provided fierce street battles in Rome, which prompted the citizens to turn to Theodoric. Again, put this one for Symmachus, because of this, in contrast to Lawrence, with his strict stance on Akakianischen schism supported the king's anti- Byzantine policy.

Lawrence then retired to his estate at Rome and died as an ascetic in the year 506
