Antoine Arnauld

Antoine Arnauld ( born February 5, 1612 Paris, † August 8, 1694 in Brussels) was a French philosopher, linguist, theologian, logician and mathematician.

Life and work

Arnauld was the son of the famous Parisian lawyer, lawyer Antoine Arnauld sen. (1560-1619) at the parlement de Paris and his wife Catherine Marion de Druy († 1641). The couple had a greater number of children. He was a representative of the Catholic reform movement of Jansenism. Arnauld taught from 1643 to 1656 at the Sorbonne, he had to leave because of his Jansenist attitude. After the death of Saint Cyrans he was the leader of Jansenism to the monastery Port-Royal, which led his older sister Angélique Arnauld (1591-1661) as abbess. On June 17, 1679 Arnauld fled from France in the Spanish Netherlands, and remained there in exile until his death 1694th Louis XIV, who complained about the heretical view of the Jansenists, was destroyed Port -Royal. Arnauld sat down in an extensive correspondence with Nicolas Malebranche, Leibniz and Descartes on philosophy and logic apart. Especially his correspondence with Leibniz over the Discours de Métaphysique forced Leibniz to a clear statement by structured, from which he later developed the Monadology and Theodicy. Arnauld left behind a large, directed against the Jesuits and Protestants literature.


  • Along with Claude Lancelot, he wrote the grammar of Port -Royal Grammaire générale et raisonnée, which dealt with the influence of grammar on the sound and the appearance of language.
  • With Pierre Nicole, he wrote La ou l'art de penser logique (known as the logic of Port- Royal), a book that advocated logical reasoning as a prerequisite for the acquisition of knowledge. It was for the reconnaissance of the 18th century is of particular importance.

In his concluding remarks Arnauld writes: "The greatest of follies is to use his time and his life on something else and not on what is used for the achievement of a life that will never end, because all the goods and evils of this life are nothing in comparison with those of the other. "

  • One of the most important of his numerous theological treatises is De la Frequente communion, in which he aimed primarily against the lax penitential practice of the Jesuits and in particular attacks in the 18th century a widespread belief, Catholics would have communion only once a year ( for Easter ) receive.
  • Oeuvres completes, Lausanne, vol 42 in -4 °, 1775 à 1781 Individual volumes online. 2, 5, 7, 8, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 38
  • De la Frequente communion où Les sentimens of pères, the papes et des conciles, touchant l' usage of the sacre de mens pénitence et d' Eucharist, sont fidèlement exposez. Paris: A. Vitre, 1643 online.
  • Grammaire générale et raisonnée: contenant les fondemens de l'art de parler, expliqués d'une manière claire et naturelle. Paris: Prault fils l' aîné, 1754 online.
  • Logique de Port -Royal | La logique ou L'art de penser: contenant outre les règles communes, observations plusieurs nouvelles, propres à former le jugement. Paris: G. Desprez, 1683 online.
  • Nouveaux éléments de géométrie
  • In vraies et des idées fausses
  • Défense de M. Arnauld, vol. 38 et 39 of the oeuvres complètes
  • Réflexions sur le nouveau système de la Nature et de la Grâce
  • Lettres Leibniz - Arnauld
  • Correspondance Malebranche - Arnauld
  • Règles du bon sens