Antoine Le Pautre

Antoine Le Pautre or Lepautre (* 1621 in Paris, † 1679 ) is a French architect.

From 1646 to 1648 he built the branch convent of Port Royal des Champs, the Convention Port-Royal in Paris. In 1653 he published under the patronage of Cardinal Mazarin Recueil de dessins de plusieurs palais, a book in which he gives his ideas run free.

Between 1655 and 1660 he built the Hôtel de Beauvais in the Rue François- Miron, with the development of this highly irregular land brought great recognition - even Bernini found it during his stay in Paris, one worth mentioning.

1660 Le Pautre became the Contrôleur général des bâtiments Philip of Orléans, brother of Louis XIV, was appointed. In this role, he built in 1667 the famous Grande Cascade in the park of Saint- Cloud, which has survived the destruction of the castle in the German Prussian War of 1870 /71.

Following several drawings in the Stockholm National Museum Le Pautre the creator of the stables in the castle of Sceaux Colbert ( the early 1670s ).

At the same time Madame de Montespan asked his plans for her castle in Clagny. Le Pautres death in 1679 interrupted the work that has been completed by Jules Hardouin -Mansart.
