Antoine Pevsner

Antoine Pevsner (born 18 Januarjul / January 30 1884greg in Klimovichi, Mogilev province, as Russian Антон Абрамович Певзнер, Anton Abramovich Pewsner, .. † April 12, 1962 in Paris) was a Russian painter and sculptor and brother of Naum Gabo.

From 1902 to 1910 he attended art school in Kiev and the Academy in St. Petersburg. 1911 to 1913 he was in Paris with Archipenko and Modigliani. In 1913 he moved to Paris and began with abstract painting. 1915-16 he lived in Oslo, from where he moved on to Moscow. Here he taught from 1917 at the Art Academy.

Together with his brother he published in 1920 in Moscow the Realistic Manifesto.

In 1923 he returned to Paris. In 1931 he, together with Theo van Doesburg, Naum Gabo, Auguste Herbin and Georges Vantongerloo founding member of the artist Abstraction-Création group in Paris. In 1946 he participated in the exhibition of the Galerie René Drouin Concrete Art, together with Sonia Delaunay- Terk, Kandinsky, Alberto Magnelli and Herbin.

Antoine Pevsner took part in documenta 1 (1955) and Documenta II in Kassel in 1959.
