Anton Reinlein

Georg Anton Reinlein was a game watch manufacturer in Vienna in the 19th century. He was christened on February 10, 1824 a patent for the improvement of the diatonic accordion. This had resounding tongues Chinese style and a Handbalg.



The Official Journal of the Wiener Zeitung reported on March 24, 1824, this improvement. The original is available online, see link.


Negative privileges.

Se. kk Majesty has deigned with Most High resolution of 10 February this year, to impart the following privileges:

First: [ ... ]

Second: The Anton Reinlein, bürgerl. Game watch manufacturer, and his son Rudolph Reinlein to Vienna in the suburbs at the Vienna No. 32, on the >> improvement in Formulation of harmonica on Chinese style, according to which the same, although the instrument is only three feet long, twelve inches deep and have fifteen inches wide, get a depth of eight feet, by means of a Claviatur to play with freyer hand decorated sey, the strong se sound in forte and piano arbitrary expressions, and in addition to the already own a harmonica Adgio pieces on each Allegro with expression let run; incidentally never verstimme, << a privilege for a period of five years; [ ... ]

Newspaper Ad 1816

An advertisement in the Wiener Zeitung of November 23, 1816 bears witness to the existence of the company Reinlein.


Flute games.

Bey G. A. Reinlein, Bürgerl. Wholesale and game watch manufacturers at the Vienna No. 32 are for music - friends big and small flute games, piano or forte playing, Mahony, secretary, set up to play with his hand, of which one with a very peculiar A -and top- provided in order to have cheap prices.

Newspaper Ad 1828


Display for music lovers.

G. A. Reinlein and son, citizens and game watch manufacturers, then owner of a ausschließlenden privilege on the of them invented Aeol harmonica, next to the Theater an der Wien No. 32, hereby indicate that they have the same selection available 3-6 octaves, also including one that plays by itself; also one of them newly invented type of harmonica mouth Zwey octaves, what you can not deliver alone chords, but just anything.
