Antoni Canals

Antoni Canals (* 1352 in the Kingdom of Valencia, † 1419 ) was a Dominican, speaker and writer. He was known for his sermons ( of which no more is received today ) and is known for three translations or adaptations of classical works into Catalan.

Antoni Canals was until 1398 a pupil of Vincent Ferrer and theology teacher at Valencia. Then he went to Barcelona because the royal court had called him, and remained there from 1398 to 1401. Upon his return to Valencia, he served from 1401 to 1419 as a first lieutenant of the Inquisitor of the kingdom.


The main intention of his works is the apostolate. The humanistic attitude of Antoni Canals expresses itself in its three levels:

  • Translation into Catalan of De providentia of Seneca.
  • Translation into Catalan of Dictorum factorumque memorabilium of Valerius Maximus. He called it Llibre anomenat Valeri Màxim " ( Valerius Maximus book called ).
  • His best humanistic work is the Raonament fet entre Scipio e Aníbal ( dialogue between Scipio and Hannibal ). This is a free translation of the seventh volume of Francesco Petrarch's Africa, with enhancements based on the work of other authors.