Antonia Arslan

Antonia Arslan ( born 1938 in Padua ) is an Italian professor of modern and contemporary Italian literature at the University of Padua.

Inspired by the translation of the poems of Armenian poet Daniel Waruschan goes Antonia Arslan according to their own Armenian roots and family history. With the novel La masseria delle allodole she returns to the world of her grandfather Yerwant Arslanian, the denied by the genocide of the Armenians in Turkey, the return from Italy stayed. She received for her work the Italian PEN Club Prize, the Premio Stresa and the Manzoni price.


  • Lady droga e galline. Il romanzo italiano Popolare fra Otto Cento e Novecento. Cleup, 1977.
  • Lady galline e regine. La scrittura femminile italiana fra '800 e '900. Guerini e Associati, 1999.
  • La masseria delle allodole. Rizzoli, 2004 ( German The Lark Farm )
  • La strada di Smyrna. Rizzoli, 2009.


  • The novel La masseria delle allodole served the two directors Paolo and Vittorio Taviani in the film The Lark Farm 2007 as a template.