Antonio José de Irisarri

Antonio José de Irisarri ( born February 7, 1786 in Guatemala City, † June 10, 1868 in Brooklyn ) was temporarily in the first Director Supremo of Chile in 1814; this was the predecessor of the Presidential Office.

After studying in Guatemala and Europe, Antonio José de Irisarri traveled to Chile in 1809. The enthusiasm of the independence struggle in Chile put on him as well. In 1810 he was promoted to the Santiago region commander of the National Guard and head of the civil and military government.

From March 7, 1814 until March 14, 1814, he served as first interim Director Supremo Chile. In 1819 he was Interior Minister and Foreign Minister of Chile, but went in the same year as Minister to Argentina. At the end of 1819 he was sent to London, where he took a loan of $ 5 million. After many ministerial posts followed in several South American countries.

After the end of his ministers time in 1849 he later went to Curaçao and one year in the United States. In 1855 he represented El Salvador and Guatemala as a diplomat in the United States. In 1868, he died in Brooklyn (New York).
