Anyphaenid sac spider

Anyphaena accentuata days in hiding on a leaf underside

From the family of delicate spiders ( Anyphaenidae ) about 508 species are currently described in 56 genera. Its distribution focus are the tropics and subtropics. In Europe, so far six species have been found, all of the most diverse genus, Anyphaena ( Sundevall, 1833) belong to. Of these two species and one subspecies in central Europe can be found:

  • A. accentuata ( Walckenaer, 1802), Europe and Central Asia A. accentuata obscura ( Sundevall, 1831), Central Europe

The two species are found in Central Europe 4-9 mm long. You go out at night on the trunk and in the crowns of deciduous trees of hedgerows, woods and orchards on the hunt. During the day, they retreat to a shelter made ​​up of woven leaves. A. accentuata is also (rarely ) found in bogs or on waters. The occurrence of the subspecies A. accentuata obscura is limited to the kontinentalere Central Europe. Therefore, the much rarer A. furva prefers dry and warm habitats and missing in northern Germany.
