Ao languages

The Ao - Naga languages ​​form a sub- unit of the Kuki - Chin- Naga languages ​​belonging to the Tibeto-Burman languages ​​, a primary branch of the Sino Tibetan. The ten Ao - Naga languages ​​are spoken by 300,000 people in northeast India in the state of Nagaland. The largest single language is Lotha ( Chizima ) with 80,000 speakers.

Ao - Naga within the Sino Tibetan

  • Sino-Tibetan Tibetobirmanisch Kuki - Chin- Naga Mizo - Kuki -Chin
  • Ao - Naga
  • Angami Naga - Pochuri -
  • Zeme - Naga
  • Tangkhul - Naga
  • Meithei ( Manipuri )
  • Karbi ( Mikir )

Internal classification and numbers of speakers

  • Ao - Naga Ao - Tengsa Chungli Ao, Ao - Mongsen, Changki, Longla, Yacham Tengsa ( together 140 thousand)
  • Sangtam ( Lophomi, Thukumi ) (40 thousand) Dialects: Thukumi, Kizare, Pirr, Phelongre, Photsimi, Purr
  • Yimchungrü ( Yachumi ) (40 thousand) Dialects: Yimchungrü, Tikhir, Wai, chirr, Minir
  • Lotha ( Chizima ) (80 thousand) Dialects: Live, Tsontsu, Ndreng, Kyong

Classification and numbers of speakers according to the specified web link.
