Apache Camel

Apache Camel is an open, rule-based routing and conversion engine. With Apache Camel you can declaratively on a domain-specific language, or by means of Spring -based routing and define conversion rules in Java or Scala based XML configuration.


Apache Camel is based on Enterprise Integration Patterns - design patterns which have been created for the design of Enterprise Application Integration and Message Oriented Middleware based systems. Apache Camel Bean Binding supports Plain Old Java Objects and Java Beans. Thereby it integrates easily with dependency injection frameworks such as Spring or Guice Google.

Apache Camel uses Uniform Resource Identifiers, it can directly with different transport and message protocols such as HTTP, JMS or AMQP deal. It can work as, for example, JBI, SCA, Apache ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, Apache MINA or CXF Apache. Thus it can be worked based on the Apache Camel programming, although the above -mentioned components use technologically different interfaces.

Apache Camel Apache ServiceMix is frequently invoked (Enterprise Service Bus ), Apache CXF (Web Service Framework) and Apache ActiveMQ (Java Message Service Provider) used in SOA infrastructure projects. In addition, often also Apache MINA is ( Framework for Network Applications ) is used together with Apache Camel.

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  • Enterprise Application Integration ( EAI)
  • Enterprise Service Bus ( ESB)
  • Message Oriented Middleware ( MOM)
  • Service Oriented Architecture ( SOA)