Apache Ivy

Apache Ivy is a software for the administration and implementation of dependent Java archives in Java projects. It is a sub-project of the Apache Ant project, a build management tool that Ant supplemented by the ability to recharge your own or other libraries for private or freely available on the Internet repositories.

Apache Ant together with Apache Ivy compete with Apache Maven and Gradle, build management tools, which have a built-in administration and implementation of dependent jar files themselves.


Ivy was originally started by Jayasoft led by Xavier Hanin in September 2004. In October 2006, Ivy was transferred ( in the former version 1.4.1 ) on Apache, initially as all new projects in the Apache Incubator. After appropriate adjustments ( for example, renaming of fr.jayasoft.ivy after org.apache.ivy ) was Apache Ivy in October 2007, a top-level Apache project, as a sub-project of Apache Ant
