
With apathy (Greek ἀπάθεια Apatheia " insensitivity " ) is called in medicine, the apathy, lack of excitability and insensitivity to external stimuli.

Apathy occurs particularly with advanced dementia. The prevalence varies pronounced among the types of dementia; it is in Alzheimer's disease, 63%, 72% in vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies Frontotemporal dementia with 57% and 92%. Furthermore, apathy in some mental disorders occur as a symptom, such as autism, anorexia nervosa, hospitalism, depression and frontal syndrome. She is also a symptom of pronounced hypothyroidism and various infectious diseases, it occurs, for example before the frenzied phase of rabies. Often, the apathy is associated with other symptoms such as loss of appetite, sadness, depression, insomnia (or sleepiness) and changes in judgment.
