
Apedemak is a Nubian war and god of fertility. He was often depicted as a man with a lion's head carrying a bow and quiver. On the back wall of the Lion Temple at Naga Apedemak can be seen with three lion heads and four human arms. In Naga, he also appears entirely in the form of a lion or lion's head, human torso and snake abdomen. On his head sitting horizontal ram's horns that are part of a Hemhem crown, composed of three shield bundles on which three solar discs sit, bounded laterally by two ostrich feathers and two uraeus, which, on their heads sun discs, sometimes in conjunction with double spring crowns wear.

Apedemak symbolized both the destructive and creative forces. He also took on the role of a " Krongottes ". His most important temples they built it in the Butana region, more precisely in Meroe, Aborepi and Tolkte. The oldest sanctuary in Aboreti was built by the Nubian king Arnekhamani in the years 235-210 BC. The divine companion Apedemaks is Amesemi.
