
Under aphakia means the Linsenlosigkeit an eye. It is caused almost always by surgical removal of the natural lens ( Lensektomie ), rarely by an eye injury. The aphakia can be found today only rarely, since after the removal of the natural lens, this is usually replaced by an artificial lens. This condition is called pseudophakic.

The consequence of aphakia is next to a deeper anterior chamber, an unstable iris and a reflex -free, black pupil a special form of hyperopia, in which the focus of the incident rays of sight is far behind the plane of the retina because the lens is an essential refracting medium of the eye missing. A Nahanpassung accommodation by the eye is no longer possible. To compensate, a corresponding collection lens - formerly called cataract glasses - or adapted a contact lens. In general, however, the correction is made in the form of an implanted intraocular artificial lens.
