Apis mellifera anatoliaca

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The Anatolian honey bee ( Apis mellifera anatoliaca; . A. m also anatolica ) is an indigenous Anatolian subspecies of the Western honey bee.


The Anatolian honey bee is spread from Thrace to the entire Anatolian peninsula. In the north- east of Turkey dominates the Caucasian honeybee A. m. caucasica, in the southeast of the Persian honeybee A. m. meda.


The Anatolian bee has a relatively small phenotype, with more bright color variations. It does to Karlsruhe Kehrle ( brother Adam ) to disease resistance as strong, makes economic use of the feed stock and has no all too high Auswinterungsverluste. Due to these properties they took them in the hybrid crossing programs of the Buckfast bee.

Together with the Caucasian race, it tends to strong Kittharzverwendung.


The morphological classification Ruttgers in the group of Near Eastern races of bees contradict analyzes of mitochondrial DNA rather a relationship with A. m. carnica and A. m. ligustica suggest.
