
Madagascar Hecht Ling ( Pachypanchax omalonotus )

The Aplocheilidae are a family of Zahnkärpflinge ( Cyprinodontiformes ). The fish are slim and are five to ten inches long. Their anal fin is always greater than the dorsal fin.


The Aplocheilidae live in fresh water, rarely in brackish water in India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, the Seychelles and South East Asia as far as Java.


The fish are slim, in cross section, almost round in cross section, and reach lengths from 5 to 10 centimeters. Their eyes are relatively large, the mouth wide and upper constant. Your pelvic fin bases standing close together. A Metapterygoid (wing bones ) and three Basibranchiale ( bone at the base of the gill arch ) are present. As a rule, the males are colorful, females monochrome gray or brownish.


Previously we also had the African species that are now attributed to the new family Nothobranchiidae to the Aplocheilidae. Today, only two Asian genera of this family belong to.

  • Aplocheilus Aplocheilus blockii
  • Green Stripe Pike Ling ( Aplocheilus dayi )
  • Aplocheilus kirchmayeri
  • Strip Hecht Ling ( Aplocheilus lineatus )
  • Panchax ( Aplocheilus panchax )
  • Aplocheilus parvus
  • Werner Hecht strip Ling ( Aplocheilus werneri )