Apolo, La Paz

Apolo is a small town in the northern part of the department of La Paz in the South American Andes State of Bolivia.

Location in near space

Apolo is the central place of the district ( bolivian: Municipio) Apolo and capital of the province Franz Tamayo (formerly " Caupolicán "). The city lies at an altitude of 1,382 m above sea level, 200 km in a straight line north of the capital La Paz and 125 kilometers northeast of Lake Titicaca.


Apolo has in the temperature profile at a very equable climate; the average temperature is 20.4 ° ​​C, the average monthly temperatures range between 21 ° C from October to March and almost 19 ° C in June and July. Annual precipitation is in the long -term average at 1333 mm, the short dry season in June and July, with monthly rainfall less than 35 mm is an extended time with humidity up to 200 mm from in December and January.

Traffic network

Apolo can be reached by land about 418 kilometers by road from La Paz, the capital of the department of the same name.

From La Paz the paved highway Ruta 2 leads in a northwesterly direction 70 km to Huarina, then branches off the paved Ruta 16 to the north, reaching after 98 kilometers Escoma and then a further 250 kilometers above Charazani leads as unpaved runway after Apolo.

Apolo is over the airfield " Apolo Airport ( APB) " integrated into the Bolivian airline network, the airfield has a runway of 1420 m length.


The population of the town has risen in the past two decades to more than three times:
