Apostolic Penitentiary

The Apostolic Penitentiary (Latin: Sacra Paenitentiaria ) is one of the three supreme courts of the Catholic church next to the Roman Rota and the Apostolic Signatura. However, it is not a church court, but a curial sanctuary for the sacramental as nichtsakramentalen conscience area, and thus practically a papal administrative authority.

The remit of the Apostolic Penitentiary includes the granting of graces, the indulgences (if it does not fall within the competence of the Congregation of the Faith ), absolute ion, dispensing, remission of penalties, conversion of obligations and the like.

The Apostolic Penitentiary is, like all curial authorities, subordinate to the Pope. At the head of the Apostolic Penitentiary is the Kardinalgroßpönitentiar. This is supported by a rain and five other prelates in an advisory capacity.

Current Major Penitentiary, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza is.

In the 2012 published paper by Carlos Encina Commentz When and how one turns to the Apostolic Penitentiary can learn more about the work of the Apostolic Penitentiary, which itself is in the church, little is known. The main reason lies in the nature of their activity itself, which consists of cases the internal forum and therefore related to the sacrament of reconciliation. The competence of the Apostolic Penitentiary relate exclusively to the internal forum, ie the intrinsic relationship between God and the believer. It grants Lossprechungen, dispensing, grace, healing ( Sanationes ) and conversions.

The responsibilities for areas classified:

1 Absolution ( Absolution ) of canonical offenses the Court of the Apostolic Pöintentiarie reserved:

  • Dishonor to the Eucharistic species ( cf. can. CIC 1367 )
  • Direct violation of the sacramental seal ( cf. can. 1388 § 1 CIC)
  • Absolution of an accomplice in a sin against the sixth of the Ten Commandments ( cf. can. CIC 1378 )
  • Use of physical force against the person of the Pope ( cf. can. 1370 § 1 CIC)
  • An episcopal ordination lacking a pontifical mandate ( cf. can. CIC 1382 )

These offenses are punished by excommunication ( latae sententae ), that the mere fact that the offense in question was committed, the excommunication occurs.

Second dispensation of consecration obstacles, the so-called Irrgeularitäten: irregularities are canonical prohibitions of a permanent nature, which excludes from receiving Holy Orders or making the exercise received consecrations without permission. Dispensed is possibly of irregularities which are not publicly known.

  • Intentional killing of a person or the positive involvement there.
  • Perfect abortion or the positive involvement there.

3 healings in the root ( sanatio in radice ) of invalid marriages. Cures of this kind are in the competence of the diocesan bishops. For a just reason, the Apostolic Penitentiary can be addressed.

4 Conversion of Measurement obligations ( Mass stipends ): The Apostolic Penitentiary, the reduction of measurement obligations of individual priests (but not institutional ) reduce. So if a priest is not able to celebrate the number of trade fairs, for which it has adopted intentions, he may ask for a numerical reduction of the measurement obligations by his confessor to the Apostolic Penitentiary.

5 granting of indulgences: The Apostolic Penitentiary is the part of the Roman Curia responsible for the granting of indulgences ( indulgentia ).
