Apostolicae sedis moderationi

Apostolicae sedis moderationi is a papal bull on the Canon Law. It was created by Pope Pius IX. published on 12 October 1869, includes a series of modified laws, references and limitations of the hitherto valid Canon Law.

Reorganization of Canon Law

The canon law, which had existed since the Council of Trent (1545-1563), had made ​​the Pope's view after almost 300 years of existence to be revised. " Apostolicae sedis moderationi " is the basis for the 1917 adopted canon law, which in turn is the predecessor of the " Code of Canon Law " of 1983. In his letter, Pius IX leads. out that it was in the interests of the safety and discipline of the Church, that a correction should be prescribed and disseminated. Finally, doubts, worries and scruples would have led to the application of the references would have led to troubles. It was therefore his desire to develop a thorough revision, which would lead to end all doubt and negative thoughts. Now in close cooperation and after long deliberations with the cardinals of the Inquisition and the questions of faith he prescribe this new constitution, which lift up the future the authority of the old canon and should be replaced by this new version.

The bull clarifies the procedure, is how to proceed according to the canon law for violations, and describes some new approaches. It describes administrative rules. The bull also includes statements on the issue about Freemasonry. Occasion these new regulations was the number of penalties and criminal confusing catalog, which had accumulated over the centuries and had led to different interpretations and applications. As a result, some facts and their sentences were upheld or overruled and others were modified or renewed in principle. Some measures have been put in the hands of the bishops, which they felt more connected to canon law.
