Application lifecycle management

Application Management (AM ) (also application management application management English ), is a combination of the development and maintenance of applications ( application software) over their entire life cycle. This also includes a comprehensive user support ( Support ) and the further development of the software.

  • 4.1 Thematic specialization
  • 4.2 industrialization of processes
  • 4.3 Follow -the- sun principle

Framework of the AM

Typically, long contract periods and thus assignment via tenders, a frequent transfer of staff from the customer to AM- providers as well as the SLA - basing (Service Level Agreement, Service Level Agreement ) of contracts lead to an assignment of the Application Management to the area of ​​IT outsourcing.

In this framework, the customer gives the following tasks in the hands of an external service:

  • Application- driven infrastructure,
  • The care and support of its applications (Application Support ) and
  • User support ( first- and second-level support).

The procedure is also referred to as a transition.

AM can either within the framework of complete outsourcing contracts occur ( Embedded Application Management) or as a standalone service ( stand-alone application management or simply: Application Support).

Components of the AM: application development and application operations

The Application Development ( Service Creation ) deals with the requirements for an application, the design and its subsequent development. The three phases of development are defined according to the IT Infrastructure Library ( ITIL) as requirements, design and implementation.

Typically, the application mode ( service management ) in which imported the software, operated and continually improved then follows. A distinction is made in this context, the phases delivery, operation and "optimization".

The management of these processes arises with global software vendors than in the highly complex and time-consuming represents the challenges it presents an efficient and orderly task accomplishment led to the development and support approach, the application management.

Application management as a development and support approach,

AM combines application development (SC) and application mode ( SM). Lying SC and SM in one hand, can experience the SM, such as customer requests and complaints, reliability, manageability and performance, are integrated in the SC. Objectives are especially smooth and efficient development of an application with high customer satisfaction. In addition, the experience gained by AM simplify the integration of application software in new system landscapes. Thus, one dedicated to the AM throughout the application lifecycle - from the idea to the (further ) development to detachment.

As part of the initiative " IT Infrastructure Library " (ITIL ) a description was presented, which shows all the management processes that occur during the life course of an application ( end-to -end Documentation ). The ITIL Application Management describes what is to be done at what stage, by whom and when. It is no longer separated in this approach between application development and operation. In the Service Management ITIL has largely prevailed. The service creation, however, that in the production of software applications, ITIL is so far little attention.

Another collection of guidelines for the application management can be found in the " Application Services Library" ( ASL). Compared to ITIL you deal in ASL exclusively with application management and sets a more intensive discussion with transactional processes between the participating companies. The ITIL, however, deals more with IT in general. On both information portals, the theoretical content with best -practice examples are illustrated.

Effects of the Application Management

In practice, the majority of software support is carried out by outsourcing companies nowadays. As an application-oriented service they have in many cases intensive to do with the programs as their manufacturers and therefore know each other better so often made ​​. Against this background, and given the need for manufacturers to always keep up with the latest developments a closer exchange of information between software developers and outsourcing company is strategically necessary. Many large companies can provide, periodically, of outsourced staff training on their own products for this reason often.

Trends in the Application Management

Thematic specialization

We can observe an increasing thematic specialization of the individual outsourcing companies to acquire in-depth industry expertise. This was to be necessary to meet the increasing demands in terms of customer satisfaction and meet their desire for individual care. In consequence, there is a trend towards application management for enterprise departments. Examples of specific application management offerings are:

  • Application Management for Product Lifecycle Management
  • Application Management for the procurement
  • Application Management for Human Resources

Industrialization of processes

With the goal of process improvement and cost reduction, many companies try to achieve the highest possible degree of standardization and automation in application management. In this context, therefore, speaks of an " industrialization of the Application Management". Inspired by the ideas of mass customization to individual application management services are provided in reasonable price - performance ratio. Four basic principles of industrialization are relevant to the application management:

Follow-the - sun principle

Worldwide operating AM providers try to ensure a so-called follow-the -sun service through call centers in multiple time zones. The goal is to be available 24 hours a day for the customer reach. Incumbents use for efficient global exchange of knowledge also " knowledge management systems ".

Due to the increasingly diversified IT environments are becoming increasingly important cooperation at technical level. Thus, even standing in the fierce competition companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, Siemens and SAP work together in defined areas.
