Applied psychology

Applied Psychology is a summary of all the sub-disciplines of psychology, which have the application of psychological knowledge for the practice of the subject. It goes back to William Stern and is an expression of the effort to scientifically describe everyday phenomena on the basis of psychology and explain. Scientific psychology saw himself first as a basic experimental psychology (the first name of the Society was " Society for Experimental Psychology ", see German Society for Psychology ). By focusing on the application of psychological knowledge a counterpoint should be created to deliberately.

Today, the various fields of application have so far specialized as part Areas of Psychology and emancipated that a single discipline " Applied Psychology " is no longer reasonable to assume (an " Applied psychologist " could no longer dominate all areas of application ). Within the application areas, there are now basic and applied research alike.

Also the corresponding chairs that were encountered earlier especially at smaller universities to cover the entire field psychology in teaching, soft increasingly specialized chairs.

Applications of Psychology

The German Society for Psychology speaks of " applications " that have evolved as specializations of the " Applied Psychology ":

  • Clinical Psychology Neuropsychology
  • Medical Psychology
  • The four commonly used alone or in various combinations, such as A & B & O or A & O or A & I, also with regard to the definitions and interrelationships are not always used consistently and partially overlapping:
  • Work Psychology including Engineering Psychology
  • Organizational Psychology in the economic context ( Industrial Psychology )
  • Financial Psychology
  • Executive coaching group including psychology, communication psychology, motivational psychology and personality psychology
  • Market psychology including trading psychology, consumer psychology, psychology of selling and advertising psychology
  • Criminal psychology
  • Forensic Psychology
  • Applied Psychology