Appraisal theory#Richard Lazarus

The transactional stress model of Lazarus is named after the psychologist Richard Lazarus and was published in 1974. This model sees stress as a complex interaction processes between the demands of the situation and the acting person. In contrast to previous theories of stress Lazarus was assumed that not the (objective ) nature of the stimuli or situations for the stress response is important, but their ( subjective ) assessment of the party. People can be very different vulnerable to a certain stressor: What is the one affected stress, is not perceived by anyone other than stress. The model is transactional, as an evaluation process between stressor and stress reaction is interposed.

  • 3.1 Problem-oriented coping
  • 3.2 Emotion -oriented coping
  • 3.3 Review -oriented coping


In several experiments Lazarus was already in the 1960s the - demonstrate influence of cognition on the intensity of emotions - mostly absorbing. So he showed subjects a film about ritual genital mutilation of Aborigines ( initiation ritual, such as the Bora ). Even the stress produced without sound film shown - measured as changes in skin conductance. If the film screening but a intellektualisierender, trivializing comment has been added, then the stress response was weaker. Even less pronounced she was when the comment before the actual beginning of the film was made, so that the expectations of the subjects lowered their stress response. Lazarus calls this short-circuiting of threat by cognitive assessment.

Three levels of evaluation

Every person rated situations and their stress differently, and thus their threat. Lazarus distinguishes three stages here.

Primary Appraisal ( Primary Review )

Situations can be evaluated according to Lazarus as positive, irrelevant or potentially dangerous ( stressend ). If a situation is experienced as stressend, this review can be done in three different shades:

Secondary Appraisal ( Secondary Review )

In the secondary evaluation is checked, whether the situation of the resources available can be overcome. If the resources are judged to be insufficient, then a stress response is triggered. It is designed to cope with a strategy which depends on the situation and on the characteristics and structures of the cognitive person. This dealing with a threat is called coping. Applicable practices include, for example aggression, escape behavior alternatives, change of condition or denial of the situation. About feedback on the success or failure of the person concerned learns over time, selectively use possible coping strategies.

Reappraisal (revaluation )

In the third step, the success of coping strategy is evaluated in order to ensure a dynamic adaptation to the new situation. Learn a stress patient how he can handle (primary assessment of the situation ) with a threat, it turns out maybe just as a challenge Similarly, a challenge to be a threat unless proper mitigation is feasible. This possibility of changing the initial Lazarus referred to as " Reappraisal " ( German revaluation ).

Three types of coping ( coping with stress )

Lazarus distinguishes three types of coping: problem-based, the emotion-focused and assessment -oriented coping.

Problem-oriented coping

By this is meant that the individual tries to overcome through information seeking, direct action or by omission of acts of problem situations and adapt to the circumstances. This coping strategy refers to the level of the situation or of the stimulus.

Emotion -oriented coping

The emotion-focused coping is also called " intrapsychic coping ". An attempt is made primarily to reduce the emotional arousal caused by the situation.

Review -oriented coping

Lazarus uses the term " reappraisal " (revaluation ) in two contexts: first, regarding the evaluation process, as mentioned above. " I also used the term cognitive coping to express this idea did coping can influence stress and emotion Merely by a reappraisal of the person -environment relationship" ( Lazarus: On the other hand, the revaluation of a stressful situation is also a coping strategy, as in the following quote is clearly, Stress and Emotion, 1999, p 77).

The affected, " stressed " person can re-evaluate their relationship with the environment cognitively so adequately deal with it. The main objective of the valuation-oriented coping is to see a burden rather than challenge, because such a life circumstance is evaluated positively and thereby free up resources to respond appropriately. This can only succeed if concrete problem solutions are found ( see problem-oriented coping ). So it must be combined several coping strategies.
