Aqua Wing Arena

The Nagano Undōkōen Sogo Undōjō Sogo Shimin Pool (Japanese長野 運動公園 総合 運動 場 総合 市民 プール, Nagano undōkōen Sogo undōjō Sogo Shimin Puru, German as: " sports park, sports field and municipal swimming pool Nagano ") was for the 1998 Winter Olympics in Yoshida District built in Nagano, Japan. Today the building is used as a swimming pool. It is also known by its original name Ice Hockey preliminary B Kaijo (アイス ホッケーB会场, Aisu Hokke B Kaijo, dt " Hockey Hall B " ) and because of its shape as Aqua Wing (アクア ウィング, akua wingu, dt " water wings" ) known.

Construction on the arena began on 12 October 1995, the stadium was finally opened in September 1997. Thus it was opened as the last competition venue of the upcoming games. Was built the stadium on the site of a previously demolished public swimming pool, the base of the arena is 13,500 square meters. During the Olympics, the official seating capacity of the hall was 6,000 seats, but these were after the big event, as the ice is removed again.

In addition to the Hockey Hall B the Hockey Hall A was built for the games that received the nickname Big Hat.
