
ArabTeX is a free software package from Klaus Lagally in support of TeX and LaTeX in the processing of left-handed writings as in Arabic and Hebrew.


The default input encoding is an advanced DMG romanization, along with other common encodings including Unicode support. When converting language-specific spelling rules are observed, numerous ligatures are automatically generated.

In addition to Arabic and Persian more languages ​​are supported that use an extended Arabic script, such as Urdu, Pashto, Sindhi, Maghribi, Uyghur, Kashmiri and Jawi. A Hebrew mode supports both Hebrew Judeo - Arabic itself also, Ladino and Yiddish.


Counterclockwise texts can be a separate paragraph form using the environment \ begin { RLtext } ... \ end { RLtext }, or with the command \ RL { ...} are inserted into a running paragraph.


\ documentclass [ 12pt ] { article} \ usepackage { arabtex } \ begin { document} \ setarab \ fullvocalize \ trans true \ arabtrue \ begin { RLtext } bismi al - ll_ahi al - rra.hm_ani al - rra.hImi \ end { RLtext } \ end {document } common commands

  • \ setarab ( language-specific conventions ( Hamza etc. ) )
  • \ setfarsi ( language-specific conventions)
  • \ setuighur ( language-specific conventions)
  • \ novocalize ( no short vowels, otherwise set by "a, " i, "u )
  • \ vocalize (all short vowels; delete by "a, " i, "u )
  • \ fullvocalize ( Sukun and all short vowels; delete by "a, " i, "u )
  • \ setCode { } ( input encoding choose )
  • ( select Umschriftkonventionen ) \ settrans { }

Character table

Final and isolated no points are obtained by the option

\ yahnodots license
