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Zebra Jumping Spider ( Salticus scenicus ) with prey

The Real spiders ( Araneomorphae ) are the most species-rich suborder of arachnids of the order Araneae. An older name for the Araneomorphae is " Labidognatha " - to differentiate from " Orthognatha " (today: tarantulas Family, Mygalomorphae ).

The diversity of the Real spiders

At the present time in this group, which was called in 1892 by Eugène Simon araneae verae, the trend is rising about 36,000 species Real spiders in 94 families known. Of these, 1310 species in Central Europe are demonstrated ( December 2004). To biologically and taxonomically to systematize this diversity, one divides the subordination often in superfamilies, families and subfamilies on; as well as the too easy would be up in not fully systematized groups.

Lifestyles and behavior, hunting strategies, brood care, courtship and communication of important beneficial organisms in the world are, if at all known to be complex and should, wherever possible in the below mentioned another article about the families or groups. The only similarity is that it is exclusively beneficial insects vertilgende that no harm not only to the people. Rather, human existence is hardly imaginable without these animals, as their feeding performance is probably unsurpassed in insects. Spiders are the main antagonists of the insects.

Despite these prominent importance, there is still no complete work on the real spiders. Dahl's wildlife in several volumes was long the only guide book about them until spiders of Central Europe by Heimer, Nentwig et. al. appeared to after massive criticism to disappear shortly after the second edition forever and only be available as an online version.

Classification of rights spiders

The system is in constant motion, because today many species are described for the first time and new techniques such as the analysis of DNA enable completely new knowledge in a sparse range studied zoology, the nomenclature previously mostly based on the behavior of the animals. Long could use the phrase "Nomenclature of arachnids " is synonymous to " absolute chaos." An overview of the rights spiders and their possible relationships are the products systematics of the Real spiders.

The superfamily of orb-weaving spiders

The members of the largest group of true spiders, the superfamily of orb-weaving spiders ( Araneoidae ), produce an elastic glue thread with three specialized silk glands ( triad). You belong to 11 families.

The canopy spiders ( Linyphiidae ) are present within this superfamily with 4289 species. They are also called dwarf spiders, because most species are only two to four millimeters long. The synonym ceiling -web spiders indicates again that the weave most small horizontal canopies or ceilings, where they wait for prey headfirst. Move continues through a flight technique, ballooning over hundreds of kilometers and are among the colonizers to eg newly formed volcanic islands. Due to their mass occurrences they coined the term Indian summer. They are found worldwide and some species inhabit even the beaches and tidal zone of the oceans. In some species, a time living males and females after mating together long in a network.

Within the superfamily are the real orb-weaving spiders ( Araneidea ) with more than 2,800 species in 160 genera worldwide after the jumping spiders ( Salticidae ) third largest family of spiders. This family was named for the superfamily of orb-weaving spiders. Well-known representatives are types of garden spiders (Araneus ), which is also the most species-rich genus. You are eponymous for the superfamily of orb-weaving spiders. They make impressive Netzbauten from sticky, high tensile strength and high elastic silk. But not all species of the superfamily build orb webs, but use other sophisticated techniques for food acquisition, such as the attraction of prey with pheromone balls. The spiders are semi socially classified, because when there is sufficient food supply to their tolerance. Sometimes they live in colonies, in which the networks are attached to each other.

The fact that the orb-weaving spiders build complex networks and can move sent to them, they owe the expression of its toes, the Tarsalklauen. They each have two side claws and a movable jaw means, through which the thread is normally led to the two rear pairs of legs. This enables them also to the lightning fast cocoon of prey.

The superfamily of Lycosoidea (hunting spiders)

The superfamily Lycosoidea includes hunting and predatory spiders with three Tarsalklauen (hence they are the three Klauern or three -claw spinning or Trionycha associated with the delineation of Zweikrallern or Two -claw spinning or Dionycha ). It includes about 3200 species. The largest families are the wolf spiders ( Lycosidae ) with around 2,300 species, the lynx spiders ( Oxiopidae ) with about 400 species and predatory spiders ( Pisauridae ) with around 300 species.

The members of this superfamily are mostly diurnal hunters that do not capture their prey in networks; but other diurnal hunters are among the " modern running spiders " ( Dionycha ). They usually remain in wait and wait until an insect approaches. The active hunting day is made possible by larger, forward facing eyes means whose field of vision overlaps and so allows removal estimates. Wolf spiders ( Lycosidae ) operate a conspicuous brood care. Nursery web spider females ( Pisauridae ), for example, put in the herb layer in a protective cocoon, in which the cocoon suspended by the not yet hatched juvenile animals, guarded and defended against predators.

The group of Dionycha ( Two -claw spinning)

Instead of the middle claw of the above species are fine hairs ( setae ), divided spatulate at the Dionycha ( Two -claw spiders). On these hairs sitting Cuticulafortsätze that Scopula, which are coated with a film of moisture and generate adhesive forces such as the gecko.

This small difference is fundamental to very different ways of life and therefore also interesting for the evolution of spiders ( Aranea ). The Dionycha are thus able to climb smooth surfaces such as glass panes. The prey is chased by Ambush, Sneaking and jump. The animals can climb excellent, sprint and jump.

The hunting strategy required a further development of the sense organs of the walking legs and thus a striking morphological transformation. Especially the jumping spiders have, in addition to typical Spider acoustic, tactile and chemical senses a good sense of vision and an amazing nervous power and speed. This will also involve a more sophisticated intraspecific communication, for example, cause some types of mating displays, always produce infrasonic sounds and some males have an eye-catching jewelry on.

In tropical areas they are adapted to the canopy of the forest, where they jump from leaf to leaf. Also Central European Jumping spiders ( Salticidae ) live similar and are also adapted to cities. The diurnal animals have their ability to produce the silk but not lost; it is used in many ways as a safety line, as wallpaper for the living tubes or as a housing for the offspring.

There are approximately 10,000 species worldwide the Two -claw spiders known.
