Araneus alsine

Swamp spider (Araneus alsine ) in a rolled-up sheet

The swamp spider or strawberry spider ( Araneus alsine ) is a spider of the family of Real orb-weaving spiders ( Araneidae ).


The bottom spider is certainly the most colorful spiders species. The females reach a size of about 11 to 15 millimeters. The color of the background body of the rare species ranges from a strong beige to a rich orange. He is speckled nearly spherical and with numerous yellowish white dots.

Way of life

The spider is building near the ground in the herb layer small networks with less than 20 spokes and lurks during the day in the vicinity in a bag -coiled sheet for prey. The species occurs on moist, grassy clearings and damp meadows. Mating takes place in June and July, the eggs are laid in July and August. The young spiders hatch even in late summer, overwinter adolescent and adult in early summer.

Adult animals can be observed from June and July. The stocks are declining in many places, it has been classified as endangered ( 3), for example, in the Red List of harvestmen and spiders Saxony (1996). Nationwide, the swamp spider in the Red List of Threatened Animals of Germany is as vulnerable ( 3) eingestuft1
